Welcome To My Blog :)

Have FUN!!!`Diary of lulu with her best friends, classmates, family and another people who do love her :)

That,s me

Foto saya
I am Luluk Hidayati , anyone can call me luluk , jhee up to you daah . iam sixteen years old , and wanna be seventeen. I am very enjoyable at my senior high school and i dunno want to leave this school quickly. Meet me atym : luluhidayati07 , twitter : lululilou , fb : Luluk Hidayati *THANKS THANKS*

Rabu, 07 Juli 2010

My Beloved Jogjaa (again)

Hallooo Readers
You're so miss me, aren't youuuu??
yuhhhhhhuui..... long time, had not for check my blog (http://luluk-hidayati.blogspot.com)

yeaah, cause i more often use TUMBLR for everything that i feel
yeeees, now i wanna show my photoes at my beloved jogja (i big wanna for study that so really for try try)>>> (wahhcurhat) sorrysorryreaders

Check it yaaaaaaa :)

at borobudur :)) second

Kamis, 15 April 2010

my best wish.

you know stranger.. I feel so disapponted,. cause my self. may be it's result, when i was still at first grade in this shs., my time was spent for play cheer up play play but little pray may be

Rabu, 14 April 2010

anda - anda - dan - anda

. . . . . . . . . . .. . .. .
Hallo . Hallo . :)
. . . . Kali ini saya mau ngungkapin rahasia tentang rahasia , soal nya saya mau ngebicarain si rahasia , ulah nya si rahasia itu yaaa rahasia bgt . Tapi perasaan saya kepada si rahasia itu yaaaaa rahasia . Tiap hari mesti rahasia - rahasiaan , walaupun bisa dianggap rahasia umum. Kenapaa rahasia , ?? biar orang ga tau rasa saya yg rahasia kepada si rahasia , tiap kali si rahasia bicarain rahasia orang rahasia , .
SORRY GUYS GUE MAEN RAHASIA - RAHASIAAN tapi ini cuma sekedar maen - maen kug guys.. Soal nyaa saya jga ga tau mau ngomongi sapaa guysss.

. . . Okkkeyy bye bye...

Rabu, 24 Maret 2010

yihiiy LOOKLET baru :)

baru sekarang guys saya nge post pagi - pagi gini maklum lah lagi liburan..
uda berkali - kali saya coba buat akun pi ga bisa - bisa.. akirnya sekarang saya punya
LOOKLET baruu...
mampir yaaaa, . karya - karya looklet saya walaupun ga bagus sii..
klik disini http://looklet.com/user/336906
thanks thanks :)

Lupa Ingatan ( pengen hilang ingatan )

semakin ngacau saja saya akhir - akhir ini... kali ini bukan urusan cinta guys..eeeeehhhhhhhm..sedikit gag penting lah , pi PENTING BANGEEEEEETTT BUAT SAYA.(yaiyaaaaa laah).. hahahhhhaaa..

oiyaaa.. saya belom nyapa kalian - kalian readers, (penggemar blogsaya ini. wikikii) biasa lah obsesi jadi blogger terkenal.. yayayaa..
okeeeyyy ... HELLO . HELLO .ALL YOU WHOEVER .. and i hope you are so well

hhaha, jadi lupa apa yang mau diomongin. zzz.. eheeeem.. gini -gini gue mau crita , sharing , curhat colongan (wkkwkk).. yayaayaa... sekarang ini banyaaaak buangeettt .. ( #lebay) akun - akun buat sarana kita chating.. saking segitu banyaak nya sampai pengeeen nyobain semuaa.., yang jadi masalah saya ini , . LUPA ..-----> itu penyakit saya... lupa password, lupa username,. LUPA EMAIL juga , gilaaaaaa. , apalagi TWITTER saya , gag sadar gt kalo yng aku pake email sista gue.. yang paling paaaaaraaaaaah lagi ,. gua lupa PASSWORD EMAIL wuitsss . yaa gini ini , mendekati tua.. wkikii ..

ada lagi ada lagi kaliini tentang TUMBLR sejeniis blogger fungsi nya sma kaya blog si.. ya gitu saya lupa email sama password, pas saya log in ehh ternyata muncul EMAIL AND PASSWORD IS INCORECT :-( sudaah deh sabar

apalagi masalah YM mau pake abuddy bosan ya uda deh coba - coba pake shmessenger , you know guys, padahal uda gue instal dihp,ehh harus register dulu.. huhuu..(wah ini memang nasib saya)..

enough for this posting
Mohon Bantuan juga yaaaa
Ide juga boleh :)
buat YM yang paling bagusss pake apa yeaaa??
thanks thanks :)

Sabtu, 06 Maret 2010

(? ? ? * * * * * * )

blog ga pake judul yaaaa . kaya saya ini ,. kalah tu password sama judul gue. whehhe.. jangan ditiru sesat ntaaar.
to do point aja deh..

saya ga tau siapa kamu.
dari jauh kamu tinggi , gendut , ga putih , lumayan cakep , cool (hueek) ,pinter ( entahlah sepertinya iyaa)
dari samping kamu kereen , alim ( ???) ,
dari jauh bgt kamu gaul , cuek , setia , susah ditebak,
dari temen - temen kamu , kamu seru , alim , supel , rame , asyiik , kompak , eksis
dari orang yang uda deket ma kamu , kamu jahaat , brengsek
menurut ku kamu yaaaaaaaaa gitu itu .
tapi aslinya kamu ??

Hey Oraang Alay!!

Hoaaah . sumpaaah post kali ini gue mau uring - uring bangeet . .. !!!
Uda dua minggu ada orang alay nyasaar di hp gue., padahal baru aja ganti nomer , masa' haruss ganti nomer gara - gara ORANG ALAY ...Shyiiitttttt !! damn it!!
Okeeey gag bakal aku balees satu huruf pun... awaaas kalo smpai ketemu bakal gue cabik - cabik mua lo dah (padahal jga gue ga brani huahahaa) gag jelas , memaang kmu itu abstraaaaaaaak sumpaaaah . !! gag tau malu gag tau diri entah lah gag tau apa lagi..

Sabtu, 27 Februari 2010

3 (Three) Words About me :)

if you want to know about me , read it ! :)

Every one call me :
1. Luluk ( almost all people who do know me say that )
2. Jhee ( it's my secret name and just my best friends call me that)
3. lululilo ( my name on twitter , and another chat)

My hobbies are :
1. eat food ( certain , and noone can life without eat)
2. Sleeping ( hum yummy, almost every holiday, i make it with sleeping )
3. study take some picture.

I do love :
1. Allah SWT
2. Nabi Muhammad SAW
3. My family, my bestfriends, My blablabla(hihihi)

What's color do you like ??
1. Pink
2. Purple
3. Black

If you meet your old friends what do you say to them??
1. Hello . . . i miss you so
2. Do you still remember me??
3. heeeeeeeey . . you look so different , haaha . .

How are boy's type you like???
1. Enough
2. Enough
3. Enough ( Enough handsome , enough rich , enough with car, enough clever , hahahaa. it's just kidding i am very glad with the FAITHFUL to me)

What's University You dream ??
3. ITS Surabaya

I want to buy :
2. Lappy VAIO
3. Vario Motor Cycle

Place That I want to visit for HOLIDAY :
1. Batu Malang
2. Pantai Kuta Bali
3. Jogja my lovely

If I meet Eheem I feel :
1. Nervous
2. Action Wrong
3. Confused

Numeral That I like
1. Seven (7) because it my date born
2. Nine (9) Because I study at SMA N 9 Surabaya
3. Three (3) , because I studied at SMP N 3 Surabaya

Okeeey that's enough about me
Thanks for visit this blog :)
Visit again yeaaah . .

Jumat, 26 Februari 2010

idola . idola :)

mendadak gue mengidolakan al ( al ghazali Lucky Laki) hihihi .. ga papa dunk wlupun band anak kecil heheh. pi lucuuu banget ,keerreeen. tadi malem tampil di dasyat nya award . masuk nominasi sebagai band pendatang baru walupun pemenang nya viera.. ehm pi tetep aja band lucky laki tampil dengan lagu hits nya Superman .. wooow . gue terinspirasi ngepost blog ini gara - gara tadi malem liat.ini foto al lucky laki...

Lucky Laki - al , el dul

Selasa, 23 Februari 2010

speech about farewell party

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Thank you to each and everyone of you welcome to this farewell party. It gives me great pleasure to be here to night to say a few words about our friend Aulia who is moving to another region for continue her study.

First of all, let me remind you how much story that we spent in friendship and experiences with Aulia . Since three years ago, we know her in this school. She is clever student and always try to bring up this school. She also care to each other friends.

I know that all of us who have studied with her have been impressed not only by he skill , but also by her personal qualities of her kindness , sociable , patience , and her spirit. I am sure we also feel so very sad because we won't be seeing her as often as we used to be.

On the other hand occasion such as this is a time for celebration. I am certain that she can be success for continue her study. and has been accepted in good university.

Finally I wish her success i all her future and she can be taking achievemnet as inthis schol. I will also be praying for her safety here.
ladies and Gentleman
Thank You for your coming to grace this occasion.

curi - curi waktu

heeey guys. Kali ini gue ngepost pertama lewaat hp , pake wifi di sekolah .waktu x agamaa Hoehe.. Pi ga sempurna bgt ni blog . Ga papa deh , yang penting bisaa. Hehee.
Oke lah kalo begitu .. Gue ga banyak ngomong" . Lagi badmood.
Byee. Byee

Senin, 22 Februari 2010


foto di depan ruang kampus its perkapalan

okeeeeey . kali ini saya mau ngepost foto pamer foto
ahahah . .di its teknik kelautan entahlah apa namanya.. waktu itu gue lagi lomba HSC (hidrolic sains competition ) sepertinya itu.. yaah . .sejenis lomba - lomba kaya biasa nya gitu.. may be all you stranger pernah ngikutin lomba spt tu. . eeeehmm yang diujikan fisika, matematika , bing, ..gaag jauh kaya lomba - lomba sebelum nyaaaalah . you know guys?? TAK SATU PUN SOAL YNG SAYA MENGERTI kecuali bahasa ingggris.haha waktu tu seakan saya sok menguasai soal bing.. padahal cumaitu yng saya mngerti,.. hihihii.. saya juga heraan tu lomba sepi banget gag kaya biasanyaaa. sampai " tim gue salah satu tim yng dari surabaya. tiap peserta gue liat. eehy ternyata sma sidoarjo , gue kirain sma surabaya sak enggak nyaa bukan gue aja yng mewakili surabayaa. hihihi.. okey okey , gue terlalu banyak ngomong nie..
eeheeem ini foto - foto saya..

taman kampus its perkapalan

-wirawati adi pratiwi dan luluk hidayati-

luluk hidayati

that's me and another experienced :)

Sabtu, 20 Februari 2010

YM .

heemm . ym ym ym
try fo actife my ym again , i want chat with my best friends , my old friends , classmates , stranger (okeeeey may be). huihii

add ym : luluhidayati07

lets study art

symbol , fringe , symbol of daily activities.

get it , free you may imitate this symbol of human , funny , simply , realistic(hiihihi) , abstrac(of course), .

SILUET.eehm . it's my creativity. it's one of my art assignment.. not so bad but a little good. . xixi ..
and thanks thanks for my friends that give idea ,huihi....
if you dunno understand with this images post comment yeaah..

Kamis, 18 Februari 2010

stop ask money to our parents..


Hey guys.. iam so confused. you know?? tomorrow i must follow sport ( senam).. but i must wear ball costum huaaaah . . i dont have it. and i also dunno have much money for buy it. .. i confused i want as other friends who can wear it. T.T. i dont want for ask my parents . they are so ,,,.
okeeeeeey .. i must be patient for this situation . . tomorrow i just can see my friends happy with her costums theirself i just wear my sport uniform .. i want as my other friends . i want as my other friends. i want it. i want it. i want it. i want it.....
bye guys.

Selasa, 16 Februari 2010

feel in this week !!


almost everyday every weeks whats, i go sleeping above twelve pm . it just for my school but iam feeling so TIRED ..anyone help me?? . . you know stranger??? i write this before sleeping, it replace my behavior when i still at elementary i always write about everything in my diary or specialy (orji hahaa . this is so simple language for teenager as us). . okeeeeey . now i feel TIRED , disappointed , IN LOVE
heeem . i sleepy . sleepy.
i gonna prepare for tommorow. and i feel bored for this activities. school , break time, school , lesson , lesson again break time with less time . school again and go home.. go home. night for study , night for enjoy the other activities , night for my family. and morning for school .. this 's so bored for time when still in high school. . but i try to enjoy this situation..
okeeeey STRANGER . ... BYEE iam so sleepy bye . see an d visit this blog again yaeaaaaaaah :)

Selasa, 26 Januari 2010


iseng, pengen, hampir suka, mengisi waktu libur, pengaruh sista gue. hahahhaaaaa. ini yang bikin saya masukin foto ipin upin ke blog,, wkwkk.. ini juga krn kelamaan kerumah sista oh, bukan saudara saya di sidoarjo hampir tiap hari tiap waktu ak sama saudara" nonton IPIN dan UPIN sambil kumpul bareng keluarga tepat nya liburan semester ni.

sekilas tentang upin dan ipin

UPIN dan IPIN salah satu film animasi yang sangat disukai oleh anak- anak dan tidak sekitar anak - anak saja.. film ini biasa disiarkan di TPI dengan durasi yang pendek . Film ini berasal dari malaysia yang berceritakan tentang nilai moral islam. Upin dan Ipin adalah anak kembar yatim piatu yang tinggal dengan nenek nya dan kakak perempuannya kaka Rose yang memiliki watak agak keras. Upin berfikiran lebih dewasa dari pada ipin . Ipin paling suka berkat " betul, betul, betul" .kata-kata ini sering ditiru oleh anak - anak zaman sekarang. itulah sekilas tentang Upin dan Ipin

inspirasi oleh my beloved sista (salma uling)



in this moment i wanna say thanks a lots GOD for my great achievement, i hope it can be success for tomorrow, tomorrow and i will be accepted in great university later.. all of this is helpfull my GOD.. and i hope that i increase my praying, get heppiness in my new class (hahaa .. no new class guys).

thanks god
thanks for my parents
thanks for my teacher, beloved friends, and classmates

BLOG SAYA hancur


bagi yang sudah mengunjungi blog sayaa, jangan kageeeeeeeeeet hrap maklum blog saya kali ini sudah hancur .....whahaha... ini karena pengen updates berkali - kali header sama background nya. ehhh ternyataa malah rusak berantakan padahal sebelum nyaa sudahbagusbangeeet.

okeey wanna change this blog. haha

Jumat, 15 Januari 2010

Teknik Still Life

Still Life adalah teknik menggambar alam atau benda yang ukurannya lebih kecil dari manusia dengan cara melihat dan mengamati benda secara langsung. Teknik ini dilakukan dengan meletakkan dan mengkompisisikan benda sedemikian rupa sehingga bisa digambar secara langsung. Cara ini lebih efektif karena melihat benda secara langsung tanpa membayangkan atau mengimajinasikan benda terlebih dahulu.

natural still life

modification of still life

art daily assignment of Luluhidayati

Minggu, 10 Januari 2010

yellow pink purple

warna kesukaan PINK , YELLOW, PURPLE
:: to be continue ::


lagi butuh buku kotak . lagi butuh buku kotak

BAGI YANG MERASA`BAIK HATI TOLONG KIRIM KHN SAYA BUKU KOTAK LAGI BUTUH BANGET, delivery ke rumah sya , saya jamin anda akan mendapat imbalan .
bagi yg merasa bisa hub : 0857********

thx for all

Hari Senin

B. Inggris

harii snen cepeeeeet bangeet padahal masi pengen weekend truus..
wah mulai belajar , mulai ad tugaaas.

belajaaaaaaar ngeblog

hal yg paling ku suka cabut pas jm pelajaran

kata temen - temen, kalo makan ak ga pernaah ngeliat waktu entah jm pelajaran sekalipun


Sabtu, 09 Januari 2010

Hey >.<

Dear My Prince

I feel that since
I meet my prince .

I dunno , when , I can erase this feel.

but I certain
That My prince will come to me.

But Now My prince still fly with his beatiful wings.
i sure tomorrow
my prince can remove the beutiful wings become white wings
that can understand him

@ Jane Superstar Night

eheem ehem , uda laamaa ga ngeposting ni .

kali ini gue mau ngepost something, hahaaha . ehmm . cma foto - foto aja sh.

ni foto sama temen" di pesta ulang tahun temen sekelaas ku Jane kemarin tanggal 8 januari,
baru kali ini langsung sempet ngepost. wkwkwkk

lokasi : @ Sheraton Hotel
moment sweetseventeen party

luluk hidayati :)
after the party

Jane . Lulu :D

LuLu . Reizhaa

with my friends
cha, lulu, widi, fe, dhitaa

thx fo Jane Kartika
Party nya kereen banget.